How our sessions operate
During this time of Covid-19, our sessions will run with certain parameters in place.
To attend a session, you must book a place on the homepage.
Only club members may book sessions. To enquire about joining the club, click here
Personal details will be kept for NHS Test & Trace.
We do not accept drop ins at this time, and no spectators are allowed as we are limited on numbers.
Changing facilities are closed, so please come dressed to fence, and sanitise your hands on entry.
Prior to arrival, you will be split into groups of no more than 6 persons.
Groups may not mix during the session, and kit may not be passed around.
Face masks must be worn throughout the session, and mask liners or face masks worn when on the piste.
The warm up and footwork will be done in groups, which will be socially distanced from each other.
Exercises and technical training will take place in your group. Contact time between persons will be limited.
You must wear a face mask or mask liner on the piste, and at other times wear a face mask.
Please clean the spool connector between bouts using the wipes provided.
Techniques that encroach on the opponents space are not allowed. They are: the fleche, and any close-quarter moves.
The etiquette of shaking hands after the bout has been removed at this time.
If you require a short one-to-one lesson with a coach (free to club members), you must indicate this when signing up for the session.
HFC COVID-19 Code of Conduct
When our club re-opens, all members will be required to sign a declaration for each session confirming their adherence to the COVID-19 Code of Conduct as below, and that to the best of the knowledge they have no virus symptoms. Face masks will be required for all indoor activity, with the exception of fencing on the piste where mask liners are allowed. Data will also be collected for NHS track & trace purposes, and pre-booking of the session will be essential.
As government and British Fencing guidance is constantly changing, it is important that members keep themselves up to date each week.
See https://www.britishfencing.com/covid-19-advice-guidance/
- All persons taking part in fencing training agree to adhere to the new social distancing rules described by coaches at the start of the session.
- Participants will provide their own face mask and use it as advised by coaches during the session.
- Sessions will be on a pre-booking basis only.
- Social distancing rules will be maintained throughout the session.
- There will be no spectators during sessions. Parents are required to drop off their child and collect them at the end of the session.
Personal Hygiene Standards
- Wash hands / use hand sanitiser on entry and exit to the club.
- Bring personal hand sanitiser (note: the club / venue will also provide hand sanitiser).
- No hand shaking permitted.
- Bring your own water bottle and do not share with others.
- Cough or sneeze into your elbow or into a tissue.
- Avoid touching your face with your hands.
- Shower and wash clothes (including gloves) and clean personal equipment after each session.
- All club members will be required to come dressed for fencing / warm-up prior to the session. Group changing facilities will be out of bounds.
- Toilets will be in use, but extra care should be taken with washing hands.
- All members are responsible for the cleaning of their own kit or borrowed club kit.
- No kit may be shared with other members of the club.
- Members must wash their kit and sanitise their equipment before each session.